Using Hierarchical Namespaces in Kubernetes

Published: August 15, 2020 by Author's Photo Shane Rainville | Reading time: 2 minutes
Learn how to implement nested namespaces in Kubernetes using the new Hierarchical Namespaces resource type, and move away from two-dimensional resource organization.

Namespaces are a way of organizing resources into common groups. The limitation up until now has been the flat, two-dimensional hierarchy of namespaces.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this tutorial, hierarchical namespaces are not a built-in feature of Kubernetes or kubectl. Instead, it is available as an extension to be installed on your cluster, which an accompanying plugin for kubectl.

Install Hierarchical Namespaces

Hierarchical namespaces requires a new controller to be installed on your cluster(s). The controller YAML is available from the multi-tenancy repository of Kubernetes' kubernetes-sigs project.

Install HNC Controller

The new HNC controller can be installed by downloading a YAML file from Kubernetes' SIGs repository for multi-tenancy. To install the controller on your Kubernetes cluster run the following commands.

kubectl apply -f${HNC_VERSION}/hnc-manager.yaml

Kubectl Plugin

In order for kubectl to support the Hierarchical Namespace Controller a plugin must be installed. The plugin is also available from the Multi-tenancy SIGs repository. To download and install the HNC plugin on your workstation, run the following commands.

curl -L${HNC_VERSION}/kubectl-hns -o ./kubectl-hns
chmod +x ./kubectl-hns

To verify the plugin installed correctly, use the new kubectl hns command.

kubectl hns

Creating Hierarchical Namespaces

The kubectl CLI includes a new command named hns, or hierarchical Namespace for short. When used against an existing namespace the new hns namespace will be nested underneath it.

For example, the following creates a nested namespace named production under an existing namespace named myapp.

kubectl hns create production -n myapp

Hierarchical Namespace Trees

To help engineers find their way through a nest of namespaces, a very helpful tree subcommand has been included with the new hns command.

kubectl hns tree myapp
| Output
└── production

Creating Hierarchical Namespaces

Create Parent Namespace

Let’s begin by creating a parent namespace. This namespace will be the top-level namespace in our hierarchy.

kubectl create namespace wordpress

Create Nested Namespace

To create a child namespace you do not use the kubectl create namespace command. Instead, you use the new kubectl hns command. For example, to add a child namespace to the wordpress namespace created above.

kubectl hns create production -n wordpress

Namespace Tree

The Hierarchical Namespace plugin provides topology view of your nested namespaces. It includes a tree command to output a visual representation of the hierarchy.

To view a tree of the wordpress namespace, use the kubectl hns tree command.

kubectl hns tree wordpress

The output of the command will look like the following.

└── production
Author Photo
Blogger, Developer, pipeline builder, cloud engineer, and DevSecOps specialist. I have been working in the cloud for over a decade and running containized workloads since 2012, with gigs at small startups to large financial enterprises.

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