How to List Running Container Image Versions in Kubernetes

Published: August 21, 2020 by Author's Photo Shane Rainville | Reading time: 3 minutes
Learn how to kubectl or an opensource utility named version-checker to list all version of running images in your Kuberenetes cluster.

Keeping your container images compliant in a production environment is important for the security of your services. While this is not a command available in kubectl, we can still use kubectl to generate a list of runtime images.

Altneravily, we can use an opensource utility named version-checker instead. The tool runs as a service which continuously monitors the runtime images of your containers, and then outputs a list using Prometheus metrics over TCP port 8080. Even more valuable and not avialable with kubectl is the ability to compare current images with upstream versions, allowing you to see how out-of-date your images are.

Using Kubectl

There is no elequent way of generating a list of running container images in your cluster today. However, it can still be accomplished using kubectl with the -o flag.

The following command will find all resources with the image path and output the value in each.

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{..image}" 
| Output
serverlab/feedorus-api:1.0.6 serverlab/feedorus-api:1.0.6 serverlab/feedorus-api:1.0.6 serverlab/feedorus-api:1.0.6 busybox:1.32 mysql:5.7.30 busybox:1.32 mysql:5.7.30 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0 feedorus/worker:0.1.15 feedorus/worker:0.1.15 cilium/operator:v1.7.5 cilium/cilium-init:2019-04-05 cilium/cilium:v1.7.5 cilium/cilium:v1.7.5 cilium/cilium-init:2019-04-05 coredns/coredns:1.6.7 coredns/coredns:1.6.7 digitalocean/do-csi-plugin:v2.0.0 digitalocean/do-csi-plugin:v2.0.0 digitalocean/do-csi-plugin:v2.0.0 digitalocean/do-csi-plugin:v2.0.0 digitalocean/do-agent:3 digitalocean/do-agent:3 busybox:1.30 busybox:1.30 wordpress:5.5.0-php7.2-apache wordpress:5.5.0-php7.2-apache%

While this gives us the information we need, it isn’t easily read. We can format the list by piping it to various utlities, such as tr to trim spaces, sort to sort, and unique to elminate duplicate lines.

List All Namespaces

The following command will generate a list of all images running in your Kubernetes cluster. We’ve added the -c flag to the unique command to gives a count of each unique image.

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{..image}" |\
tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' |\
sort |\
uniq -c
| Output
   2 busybox:1.30
   2 busybox:1.32
   2 cilium/cilium-init:2019-04-05
   2 cilium/cilium:v1.7.5
   1 cilium/operator:v1.7.5
   2 coredns/coredns:1.6.7
   2 digitalocean/do-agent:3
   4 digitalocean/do-csi-plugin:v2.0.0
   2 feedorus/worker:0.1.15
   2 mysql:5.7.30
   4 serverlab/feedorus-api:1.0.6
   6 serverlab/feedorus-worker:1.0.0
   2 wordpress:5.5.0-php7.2-apache

The output is formatted into two columns.

<count> <image>:<tab>

The first column shows count of containers using a specific runtime image, while the second column gives you the image name and its tag.

List by Namespace

To filter the list by namespace you can use the --namespace or -n flag in your kubectl command.

kubectl get pods -n wordpress-blog -o jsonpath="{..image}" |\
tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' |\
sort |\
uniq -c

Using Version-checker

Version checker is an opensource utility by Jetpack that runs in your Kubernetes cluster. The ulitity runs as a service that exposes Prometheus metrics over TCP port 8080, and is intended to be used alongside Prometheus and a dashboard such as Kibana.

Install using Helm

Version-Checker is available as a Helm chart for ea

heml install version-checker .
Author Photo
Blogger, Developer, pipeline builder, cloud engineer, and DevSecOps specialist. I have been working in the cloud for over a decade and running containized workloads since 2012, with gigs at small startups to large financial enterprises.

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